Tuesday, June 8, 2010

And so it begins....on April 18, 2009

On a crisp April night under the romantic lights of a Wawa parking lot, my future husband asked me to marry him.  We enjoyed the blissful "we just got engaged" period for about 36 hours before I started to plan for a day I've been waiting on for quite some time.....OUR WEDDING!  The first couple of weeks started with generic planning, talking about budget, looking up venues, and looking at wedding magazines and websites for countless hours. And of course, creating our very preliminary Wedding Channel wedding website.  

Fast forward almost two months and the venue is booked, the dress is purchased, and a photographer and caterer have been selected (I think).  I still have a long ways to go, but I think I've made some decent progress.  My biggest feat yet is tackling the organization of such an event.  I need to make folders for each vendor with all e-mails and contracts.  I also need to come up with a firm "To Do" list so I can see what I've accomplished and what's left to be tackled.  At this point, next on the agenda is the selection of a bridesmaid dress and in return selection of the wedding colors.  I thought this would be simple.  I wanted a midnight blue for the bridesmaid dresses and for them to have reds and purples in their flowers/accessories (this was my inspiration).  This whole idea came before purchasing my wedding gown, which is ivory.  I learned in the bridal store that navy did not look so good with ivory, so my color palette may have to change.  Luckily, this is a flexible point for me.  

I plan on taking the weekend ahead to get my organization (or lack thereof) under control and put some plans in place.  We'll see how it goes!  

How have you organized your wedding plans?  What have you found to be the most effective points of planning?


  1. This may sound cliche, but The Knot has helped me with making a master to-do list and I created our wedding website through them. Just an idea. Their to-do list is somewhat too detailed, but it does remind you of little things. -BJU :)

  2. I second using The Knot but opt out of their to do list e-mails if at all possible because they really just put unnecessary pressure on you. :) It is nice that you can take out any of their stuff that may not be applicable to you too.

    I was a "binder girl" to put all my contracts, info, fliers, etc. in. I felt better having it all in one place and even had it at the reception in a back room just in case of any emergency.

    Also with the ivory/navy thing, I would take a picture of the color next to your dress if you can. It may make it look a lot different than you think. I seriously doubt that most people would even know that my wedding dress was ivory from the pics and we had black dresses on the girls.

    Congratulations again pretty girl and feel free to call and vent if the stress gets to you at all!


  3. Yay! So excited to keep up with the all the details via your blog!

    As for planning a wedding, I am no expert, but I am an expert at being OCD. I think your folder system is great idea to info coordinated and organized. I am also a big fan of an inspiration board - this may be helpful if you do rethink your color scheme and bridesmaid dresses.

  4. Cute idea for a blog! I love how you have inserted links for everything you mention so we can get a visual. This is the fun-est blog I have read; not to mention, you have the most beautiful “preliminary” wedding website I have ever seen! I know it seems difficult to plan a wedding because you want to incorporate everything you have always dreamed of, plus satisfy everyone around you (mothers, friends, and oh yea… the groom). When I got engaged I had 3 months to plan 2 weddings (one in Pittsburgh and one in Richmond). I needed 2 djs, 2 venues, 2 caterers, 2 cakes, 2 sets of flowers, etc., all while I was planning in Houston- this was one heck of a challenge for me. In order to maintain sanity for myself, I had daily checkpoints as reminders that all the planning for the details, the buttons and the bows, is fun, but what really matters is the purpose of the event. I’m sure there are some fabulous lists out there, but my advice for organization (and sanity in my case) is to remind you to not get lost in the lists. I see you have a little over a year to go, enjoy every minute of the planning and I can’t wait to read about your wedding planning adventures!

  5. @BJU - I've looked at The Knot's to do list, and it was pretty inclusive. I think I'll go ahead and print that off this weekend to start checking things off!

    @Kristin - Thank you! I am definitely going to utilize the binder idea. You've always been so neat and organized! :)

    @Liz - I love the inspiration board. I wish there was a way to do it online instead of printing things out. A green inspiration board, and I don't mean the color!

    @Darbs - Glad you love the blog. I'm having fun with it, and am excited to see how things will turn out! I don't kno whow you planned two weddings for two locations. You're a crazy talented lady!

  6. yeah no need for a shoutout for the girl who suggested the blog but still got mad love for you future mrs applebeesenteign
